sweethotfairhvn (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: I'm an angel of the night |
Hello everybody.
I have said "I'm a vampire but I don't drink blood," for a long time.
I said this because I was so nocturnal that if I didn't have external forces acting on me I'd end up going to sleep at dawn and sleeping all day.
Also I am so averse to direct sunlight. Most people I know tell me that sunshine on their skin feels good. To me it feels harsh. I quickly get a headache and then get weak. I sunburn in hardly no time, right through my clothes.
Finally I am extremely light sensitive. I have trouble with bright lights at night and at times have to wear sunglasses when driving at night. On the other hand I see very well in the dark *if* there are no bright lights to glare at me.
About five years ago I started investigating real life vampires and realized my unexplained weakness, my deep empathy and my spiritual awareness were consistent with my being a vampire. I still don't drink blood. But I wonder if there is an ethical way to draw in prana to counter my weakness when it is so bad I crash.
The Sweet Hot Angel of the Night |
 fullmetal (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Hello! |
[/b]Greetings! I share some of these things,yet, ironically live in the desert,lol! go figure,lol!
i burn,terribly no matter what,I do like the feel of the sun but am blinded without my glass,s which cange on their own.I have always been different but vampire was just never ever discussed by anyone I ever knew untill last year. so you name it, i have been labled it,lol! psycic,empathic, nuts,lol! just to name a few. doctors especially can be hard.no one wants ot say the V word,lol! I have heard other titles as well, such as Otherkin,it all seems a bit strange to me,bcause for soo long i just thought everyone was like me! but when i kept insisting that i wasnt just talking to an"imaginary" friend, or that i could understand what animals said(not in words,but images) my mom just told me i was "special" my grandparent just whispered to eachother and told me to be quiet,lol!
but anyways, i dont know how to explain how to be ethical about stuff,i think its different for everyone.you have ot go with your feelings.being mostly a vegi person Ifeel really guilty when i crave things,lol! no I dont go around drinking blood,lol!
but gotta say a really rare steak doenst always bother me sometimes lol!.I pick up way to much form crowds and being in stores and such large groups really make sme kinda sick. I get a headahce and emotional overload.
I pick up too much emotion. anger especially s a strong one. I have been practicing grounding myslef in new ways,but it is hard osmetimes. sometimes you can feel better just by grounding yourself and let nature feed you. like the energy given off he earht.. it just takes practice. well this doesnt want me to write more.lol! so will stop. fullmetal