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You Know You're A FireFighter IF......

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: You Know You're A FireFighter IF......

guilty of many of these!lol!

You Know You're A Firefighter If...

1. You can tell what type of fire it is by the smell of smoke 10 miles away.
2. You lay out your clothes from that day so if there is a call at night you can find them quickly.

3. You have ever been airborne without an aircraft and water was your thrust.(guilty)

4. You carry a ton of specially modified tools in your pocket that would rival a Swiss army set.
5. You've ever clung to the air horn chord for dear life because the driver is insane.(guilty)

6. You have ever played jingle bells at Xmas time on the air horns to clear traffic.(ummmmm)

7. You have ever called a person found after a fire a "crispy critter"(not person but other).

8. You have ever stomped out a fire with your boots because you couldn't wait for water.(guilty)

9. You have ever walked 3 miles into the woods in 100 degree heat in full turnout gear and a 5 gallon or more water can strapped on your back just to put out a fire.(smiles..who hasnt?)

10. Your kids are afraid to get into water fights with you.

11. Your work gear makes you sound like Darth!

12. You roll around in anything that just burned to make your new gear look old.guilty

13. You carry enough in your car to extinguish a minor blaze. grins

14. Your own vehicle has more lights than a Christmas tree.

15. All the shirts you own say you are a firefighter.

16. If you have more pagers than money in your wallet.

17. If assembling a mile and a half of hose running up a hill to catch a fire is a good day.

18. The microwave goes off and you run out of the house thinking it was your pager.(oooops)!lol!

19. If you have ever woken up thinking your pager went off and as you look at it, it does.very guilty!

20. When you really think that rusty old hydrant will look good in the garden.doesnt it?

21. If you had to extricate someone by cutting the car doors off on one side and realized there was nothing wrong with the doors on the other side.hey and thats bad?

22. If you have more toy fire trucks than your kids do.los at fretruck collection

-Author Unknown

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