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 fullmetal (deleted)
I joined here hopeing to learn and share ideas and thoughts and stuff.
but so far only a few people have bothered to post anything!
whats wrong? let loose your fingers across your keyboards and write!
share a funny joke! a peom,a story! what do you believe is true or false?
someone say something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lets see some color and depth and emotion! i thought this was vampire passions not shy or zombie passions? are there no souls alive and awake/
no one willing to share an opinion?
comeon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called Twilight....... DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now I know some girl going to read my other post, and is thinking...Twilight.. DUMB? your dumb!Twilight ROCKS!
lol! write it! show me your thoughts!
how can we bring more people together if there isnt anything of intrest here to read????????????
its mundane and boreing....... Throws on the lights,turns up the music and sings along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just cant wake up on the foor,like a thousand times before,how did we get so mean?????????????how do we just move on,how do you feel in the morning when it comes,and everythings undone... lol!..eheem. time for some new music.ANY SUGGESTIONS???????????????? smiles!
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 ravenboy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Yup...I agree....hence..will write editing this post...
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 fullmetal (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`lol! yea! lets shake it up here!
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Joined: July 21, 2009
Posts: 21
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`yea well this was dumb. appernetly most others do'nt really look at this. . or mybe there an'rt enough members?
what the ya go...
shake it up or bake it up.. maybe its all the same..
maybe life is short. maybe its long..
maybe no one really cares at all
maybe life is a contradiction.bitter and sweet
maybe cows will grow wings and Hell has already frozen over
(sorry couldnt help myself for useign that)
Hell is a life wihtout friends who care.
a world ware nobody makes sense anymore.
a world of anger and hate and broken people going around
lost in their own pain and sorry,to lost ot see. i dont knwo.
i see. i feel, i try to do whats right, this time around. so that
next time around i wont have as much karmic bagage
osmetimes i wounder if its at all worth it.
trying ot sleep, giving up and whatching the stars
looking for sigs that i am not really alone in the universe.
tryign to feel ,even just a chill or a breaht of a breeze.. try to keep my heart form being surrounded by a wall of steel,wounderign if I really want ot try anymore
let the steel cover me. let the wall go up,keep out the light,keep out thelove.. stop everything
but I cant just lay down and die. cant just roll over and take it.
i swollow the fear and rise. step into the light of another day. blinded by
the world,stillaboe to laugh maybe not know very much aobut life.. or whatever.. but i try to.
anyways.. this is just this. nothing btween the lines,just wild and rampet writings not even alway what i think just putting it out of my mind.
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Joined: July 21, 2009
Posts: 21
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`here i am, bored enough to answer or post replies to my own posts...
it was a stupid idea to begine wiht . who cars? aparently no one really, as so many have looked,, but not writen . so blah blah blah... here is another thing no one will read but me later on,and Iwill probablly think ,"dam" must have been a bad day or maybe a bad night more like it.
there is no rain to cover what lurks within my sleeping brain, not strong enough to cover that eternal hell that haunts me. but who cares anyways?
whats the point? what am i supposed ot learn form them, or how was I suposed to grow spiritually by the events that caused the bad dreams anyways? if the law of attraction brings us that which we think, if we "manifest" our thoughts, was I ever thinking i wanted ot be held against my will and ... i am a coward. still. i dare not put ot light that which has engulfed me. maybe i will forever remain a coward. but the worst wasnt even cigaretes burning flesh, or scars form rope burns, or being hunted,never able ot run fast enough. but it was so long ago,that occured. yet more and more in other forms,whats a broken bone,or a threat or a slap or a hand around your throata gun to your head. .to much revieled, showing ot much the extent of my broken soul, my broken self. how do you heal? how do you lay next ot someone new and think it wil be ok this time. how do you learn to trust again when so much confusion goes on around me evry day of every year.. when is it all too much? how can one minute be full of laughter and jokes and the next a sharp plunge into darkness? no i am not bi polar. i jsut reviel too much of myslef to people too soon,but maybe thats not it either. i dont know. i am not ever relly expecting anyone to read this seeing as not many people do read anything here. only a select few i have come to like. maybe but i dont know , life is fast and then its slow. what a rollercoaster ride.
i am not always so dark in my thoughts in my writings no not always. someone called me bitter otday, i didnt think i had appeared bitter i didnt know this person, they didnt know me yet they laid it out there and I was defended once again by the people who seem to like me,i think they like me, even ones I didnt really know to well. it was nice of them to do. i do know i am liked here,it for the most part is fun.. crazy sometiems, stupid sometimes,but thats life anyways. liven la Vida Loca.. so now i am lighter, maybe it was good and clensing to lay it out a bit to no one on particular. i wounder if i put the header as DONT READ THIS,lol! more people would, but thats not what i want anywyas. jsut to be alone here and ramble a bit, maybe thats part of it. to be open, i dont know . its the great mystery of life, each persons own mystery to the secret of life is different, profound and suited ot them. gee now i am being profound. a little light bulb just went on over my head! so all we need ot do is pursue our own life secrets? no not exactly,, but people are not experiments to eb probed? ok well to soem thay are but its not right. stomps foot. center our selves love ourselves before we can expect anyone eles ot love us. accept ourselves, respect ourselves. harm none along the way be happy in your life.. ah well this is too long now. am off to play chess. how come my computer isnt smart enough to beat me at chess but a game room avitar that looks like a mic. witha mustache can beat me in 2 moves! on easy level! *%@$!
bangs fist on talbe! check mate this buddy! I got ur check mate!
FOUL! oh well. sucsk it up and wanders off!
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 ravendarque (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I hate that mustachio adorned game room avatar personal fiend and mortal games.../smiles.
Yes, it's good to vent...especially if no one reads...except friends...and yes, you are right, it's within that needs to be...looked at. But not when someone from the outside is clearly at fault...such as abusive individuals. One of the greatest injustices they cause is to make their victims feel as if it's their fault things are going bad and even that they are being abused...manipulation seems to be so prevalent with some human beings...
Sometimes I you think something's your fault or you are to blame when that isn't even the case at all. I don't know exactly why that is so..or if it is even like that. After all, it's just an impression of mine and not written in stone by any means... I just hope that you don't think that way...but if you do...that you can...see when it isn't and not feel bad. the middle of writing this it tells me that you've sent me an email...thanks!
Yes, you are liked here...we're never liked by all..but we never like all either do we... As long as you're liked by the people you yourself like.../smiles.
Interesting to you're going through so many emotions in just that one posting...but you seem to end up pretty well at the all's well that ends well? At least I hope so.../smiles.
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Joined: July 21, 2009
Posts: 21
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`LOL! yes is a roller coaster sometines i admit, smiles! yes, i always end up good in the end, its kinda that thing about figuring out internally, smiles! It is clensing to vent a bit here, not at anyone, but just in genera.
i think its a flashback reaction to a tone, or somethng,, i cant put a finger on, but that flash back of"oh crap, what did I do know"... it goes back to abusive relationships, held over form a time when no mater what the circumstances leadign up to it, IT was alwasy my fault, no matter what IT was, its a form of his abuse to keep me thinking it was alwasy my fault, i am trying really hard ot get over that.
smiles! no we cant really be liked by everyone, its srange, i dont even remeber what i was sayign in chat to be called bitter, lol!
Im glad you did respond, I wish more people would, but oh well, it feels a bit safe to just let it out right here, smiles!
yw for the email! smiles!
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Joined: March 25, 2010
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`Wow. That First Post. Just Wow. By Far The Craziest thing I've ever read, yet, it is an EPIC WIN.
..I Agree.
Twilight DOES suck.
But I'm Biased.
I refuse to watch the movies or read the books.
So therefore, my complete opinion is invalid.
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Joined: July 21, 2009
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`Hi photogal90. thanks,lol i wrote that sooo long ago, im glad to have gotten another response to it,though i wish more had posted to my challenge,lol! im not here nearly as much as i was before. having become engaged,and buisy
y with other things. I do miss everyone, sorely at times,and being here now at almost midnight is reminicent in many ways of being here back then. I used to not be able to sleep at all hardley ,now i go to bed, mostly i fall asleep but mostly because my fiance wants me to go to bed so he can use the computer. oh well. waves at raven! smiles!...../met!
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