fullmetal (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: as yet untitiled |
Ii wander,aimlesly at times,like a child after a butterfly.
without a path,or direction,i drift along lazilly dipping my fingers into the deep dark river of life.
At times i am lost,blinded and alone,stumbling through an eternal nightmmare,gropping for something tangable to hold on to.
but never is smoke a tangible thing,
only the matter and the flame,should anyone ever dare attempt to touch it.
I have reached out to touch it, been burned,blackened,lelft smouldering like ashes in the fireplace. yet time and time again i dare to reach my hand to feel the heat,the sear as it licks skin.
then distracted i wander off, blocked by walls I search for ways over or around,like a maze,loosing my way in the labarynth,and the form it takes.
my thought scatter like the fluff of a dandilion,blown durring some childs wish,they float and dance on the breeze,carefree,allways a part of something bigger...
part of fullmetals meandering thoughts