vampyrewisd0m (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Hi, I'm vampyre_wisdom. |
OK, so I'll be the first to introduce myself. I'm not a vampire, I'm one ensnared by the lore of the vampire, much like Daniel after his interview with Louis.
Some people explore the stars, some explore the seas or dedicate their lives to a science or a religion...in the same way I am drawn to understanding human nature. I believe that vampire nature is human nature thru a microscope. These undead beings say so much about us.
Everyday we take others into ourselves - their thoughts, their words, their energy and even physically, just as the vampires drink blood. Yet, is it this that draws us to them? I don't know, but I'd like help finding out. I'd love to meet a man who has an interest in all this as I do...I love to get to know new individuals and have very few preconceived notions...so whether you're a would be friend or lover...I look forward to knowing more about you.
Jay's Vampyre Wisdom |