fullmetal (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: titleless.... |
Haveing never really been on a "date" am unsure of even what that means. I think that if I were to go somewhere with someone I really liked,just us alone.. i would want to go and walk along the shore of a still lake at night,listen ot the music of the night and the lake. of frogs croaking and sicaidas playing thier music. the soft splash of a fish jumping out of the water. or maybe through the desert,feel the chill of the night air,the stars twinkleing brightly over head,a storm building in the distance,the smell of distant wet creasote,shooting stars and coyotyes calling. or maybe take horses alonng the paths i rode in my youth,winding through trees,with the soft rush of the river,the gentle sway of our mounts,rythmic and soothing,talking about things, learning about eachother. maybe this all sounds boreing, I dont know. but these are things I love,so a part of who I am. the hush and stillness,of the forest and lake,the wildness of the untamed desert,the heartbeat of the earth and creatures residing here. I am not drawn to the harshness of cities, of fancey restraunts and crowded cinimas,surounded by every strangers emotions,noise and chaos. to much to seperate. i ould want ot show you the world i dwell in,then see yours.